Warrior tasks and battle drills
Warrior tasks and battle drills

Request Medical Evacuation XXX-xxx-XXXX Prepare and send SITREP XXX-xxx-XXXX Prepare and send SPOTREP XXX-xxx-XXXX Prepare and send Explosive Hazard (EH) Report in accordance with FM COMMUNICATE / Use Visual Signaling Techniques Use Visual Signaling Techniques SURVIVE / React to Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear (CBRN) Attack/Hazard Decontaminate Yourself and Individual Equipment Using Chemical Decontamination Kits Protect Yourself from CBRN Injury of Contamination with Mission Oriented Protective Posture Gear React to Chemical or Biological (CB) Hazard/Attack Protect Yourself from Chemical and Biological (CB) Contamination Using Your Assigned Protective Mask Maintain Your Assigned Protective Mask Mark CBRN Contaminated Areas Detect Chemical Agents Using M8 or M9 Detector Paper Protect Yourself from CBRN Injury Injury/Contamination when Changing MOPP using the JSLIST Chemical-Protective Ensemble As of 25 March 2010 4ĥ Critical Individual Supporting Tasks List MOVE / Navigate from one point to Another Identify Topographic Symbols on a Military Map Measure Distance on a Map Identify Terrain Features on a Map Orient a Map Using a Lensatic Compass Determine the Grid Coordinates of a Point on a Military Map Determine a Magnetic Azimuth Using a Lensatic Compass Determine a Location on the Ground by Terrain Association Navigate from One Point on the Ground to Another Point While Dismounted Orient a Map to the Ground by Map-Terrain Association Navigate from One Point on the Ground to Another Point While Mounted (If Applicable) (MOS specific) Navigate using GPS (DAGR) MOVE / Move Under Fire Associated Task # Engage targets with individually assigned weapon Move as a Member of a Fire Team Move Under Direct Fire Move Over, Through, or Around Obstacles (Except Minefields) React to Indirect Fire While Dismounted React to Indirect Fire While Mounted (If Applicable) (MOS specific) React to Direct Fire While Mounted (If Applicable) (MOS specific) Select Temporary Fighting Positions As of 25 March 2010 3Ĥ Critical Individual Supporting Tasks ListĬOMMUNICATE / Perform Voice Communications (SITREP/SPOTREP/9-LINE MEDEVAC, EXPLOSIVE HAZARD ) Prepare Assigned Communication Device for Operation Perform Voice Communications Operate assigned Communication Device. SHOOT / Employ Hand Grenades Perform Safety Checks on Hand Grenades Employ Hand Grenades MOVE / Perform Individual Movement Techniques Move as a Member of a Fire Team Perform Movement Techniques During an Urban Operation As of 25 March 2010 2ģ Critical Individual Supporting Tasks List SHOOT / Maintain, Employ, Engage with Assigned Weapon System Associated Task # Load individual assigned weapon Associated Task # Unload individual assigned weapon Associated Task # Perform Function Check on individually assigned weapon Associated Task # Correct malfunctions of individually assigned weapon Associated Task # Zero individually assigned weapon Associated Task # Engage targets with individually assigned weapon Associated Task # Maintain your assigned individual weapon and supporting equipment Associated Task # Mount, Dismount, Zero and Engage Targets with Night Sight if Associated with Assigned Weapon.

warrior tasks and battle drills

Shoot Survive Maintain, employ, engage with assigned weapon system Employ hand grenades React to chemical or biological attack/hazard Perform immediate lifesaving measures Perform counter IED Maintain Situational Awareness / Every Soldier as Sensor Perform Combatives Move Perform individual movement techniques Navigate from one point to another Move under fire Adapt Assess and Respond to Threats (Escalation of Force) Adapt to changing operational environments Grow professionally and personally (Build resilience) Communicate Perform voice communications (SITREP/SPOTREP/9-Line MEDEVAC, EXPLOSIVE HAZARD ) Use visual signaling techniques Battle Drills As of 25 March 2010Ģ Critical Individual Supporting Tasks List

warrior tasks and battle drills warrior tasks and battle drills

1 Warrior Tasks and Battle Drills Soldier Critical Skills

Warrior tasks and battle drills